Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dresser Turned Media Console

So, we've all seen the shabbied dressers turned into immaculate TV stands on Pinterest and I decided it was time for me to try it on out! A furniture DIYer that I met a few years ago taught me that today's furniture is rarely solid wood and unlike yesterday's furniture, we're not able to sand, stain, or repaint it into something new. Not to mention the quality typically can't compete. Ever since my "come to Jesus" conversation with this fine specimen, I've been really into recovering old furniture and transforming it into something fresh. I picked up this piece on a resale site for about $75 dollars and went to work! *Note: I generally am not a fan of tooting my own horn BUT I did this ENTIRE project all by myself and I'm very proud of it, toot. One of my evil character traits when it comes to redoing furniture is impatience. So, while I did lightly sand the scuffed top of the dresser, I just used Rustoleum Paint and Primer spray paint to get the piece gloss white. This stuff is not cheap and I had to go to Lowe's for more and more several times (prob went through at least 6 cans). That being said, if you have the time and patience to sand, prime, and paint, it would be much more frugal! If you do decide to use spray paint, make sure you have a mask with goggles and are in a well ventilated area. I painted  in my garage with the door open (there were too many nats outside), wore goggles and a mask, and still am convinced that I inhaled too much.  I took out all of the drawers first and painted the body. I didn't bother painting the inside. Then, I took measurements of where the drawers slid in and got some plywood cut at Lowe's to fill in as a base on the first two rows. I painted the bottom three drawer fronts and pulls and sanded the edges for a bit of a "shabby" look. Ta-da! P.S. I also attached a drill bit for the cord holes in the back :).

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