Back Cabinets- The left three cabinet shape posters came from my, as Junie B. would say, "favoritist" teacher store, Dollar Tree! I found the right three door posters as a freebie on TPT under "3D Shapes" a while back. I will search and post a link if I can find it! I got the "SHAPES" letters from Michaels and the large leopard stuffy from my Grandmother Barbara. The "AR Stars" bulletin board has a 25 square chart from Wal-Mart for each student to mark with a star sticker (in the mailbox) whenever they get a 100% on an AR test! They also get to ring the bell and everyone takes a moment to applaud them which they love. The "winners" bulletin board recognizes students who win the weekly estimate. I send the jar home each Friday with directions for parents to send back on Monday filled with an item of their choice and a sealed number of how many there are. The kids place their estimates throughout the week and whomever is closest, wins! Then of course I have my "Sharp" and "Not Sharp" labels for pencils.

I used some leaopard fabric to cover my back window; unfortunately, my sewing skills have yet to develop so it is poorly cut. The circular dry erase adhesive is a Wal-Mart find from las school year and the "Wipe Your Paws" mat as well (a gift from my Fairly Odd Parents). The reason I posted this pic though is to share the great weekly organization tool of the stacking paper trays on the right. These are labeled by day and keep all my papers in check!
Stating objectives is imperative to our evaluation document. I used to have a small laminated "Daily Objectives" poster but it was difficult for the kids to read from their desks. So, I roped off a section of my white board with leopard border and added some die cut letter for a more useful one! I use the pointer and the kids can read along. The colored levelized groups on the right side of the picture have the kids names on them. The coordinated rectangles to the left have their numbered rotations.
One of my besties, Marissa, made the cute palm tree with butcher paper for me! My behavior chart is attached with leopard ribbon. The kids all start on blue and move up or down depending on their actions throughout the day. The "Happy Helpers" are rotated with clothespins.
My reading corner has some pillows and bean bags for silent reading around the room and calendar for our story time after lunch. The books are all individually labeled with the AR level, color, and quiz number (yes, this took me ALL Summer). The canopy is one that I had over my bed as a child! I had to cut it and hot glue it for a draping effect.
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View from the reading corner |